Identifying edtech innovations worth implementing versus mere trends.
Welcome to Clear Conversations! Join host Robert Ahdoot of and guests Jonathan Viner of 10 Digits and Chip Kimball of the International School of Prague as they discuss identifying...
Fast ForWord Endorsed by Council of Administrators of Special Education
Review committee extends endorsement of research-based Fast ForWord program, which enables students with learning differences to achieve efficient and lasting learning gains PITTSBURGH–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Carnegie Learning, a leader in artificial intelligence...
5 reasons why your students should write everyday
Are your students writing as much as they should be? Classroom writing, done with wilful focus and daily diligence, remains an essential part of educating students of all ages, including...
Are learning difficulties inherited
I had serious problems learning as I was growing up.’ ‘Where were you when I was in school’? These are questions I have been asked over and again by parents...
Why children must play
Kilonzo is sitting in a sand pit; his chubby two year old hands are deep inside the sand. He picks handfuls of sand from as deep as his hands can...
Self-Harm behaviour; Cutting among Kenyan Adolecents
The first time she walked into my office she was smiling widely, her youth and exuberance reflected in beautiful brown eyes. Her mother stood beside her, looking anxious and tense. ...