School Services
Training & Motivation
Everything in life is interconnected; our work, relationships and lifestyles. Psychological health and academic or career success are two sides of the same coin. We can assist you to increase student focus and motivation and staff cohesiveness and therefore, higher academic success and productivity.
Educators change brains.
It is a challenging role, particularly when one considers that every student has different learning strengths and weaknesses. How is it possible to get through to each individual student when what works for one student may not work for another?

Training of educators on identification of issues affecting learning like Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDDs), Learning Disorders (LD), environmental issues affecting the child, and how to work with the slow learner..

Motivational Talks
Offering talks to learners on confidence and self-esteem building, study skills, test taking skills, career selection and career reality check, motivation, leadership skills, among others.